
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a group in ProQyz to assign students to a teacher. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Access the Groups Section

  1. Log in to WordPress:

    • Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. Go to ProQyz Groups:

    • In the admin menu, click on ProQyz > Groups.

Step 2: Create a New Group

  1. Add a Group Title:

    • Click on Add Group.

    • Enter a title for the group (e.g., "IELTS Batch A" or "Advanced Writing Group").

  2. Assign Students:

    • In the Top Column, you’ll see a list of all registered users on your website.

    • Select the students you want to include in this group by clicking their names or using the checkboxes.

  3. Assign a Teacher:

    • In the Bottom Column, you’ll see a list of all teacher accounts.

    • Select the teacher you want to assign to this group.

  4. Save the Group:

    • After selecting the students and teacher, click Save Changes.

Last updated