Competitive Exams

Competitive exam quizzes are used for exams such as the GMAT, CAT, university entrance tests, UPSC, SSC, and many more.

  1. Select a quiz:

    • Go to the ‘My Quizzes’ tab on your ProQyz dashboard.

    • Click ‘New Quiz’ and select the ‘Competitive Exam’ quiz type.

  2. Quiz Details:

    • Add title: Enter a title for the test.

    • Description: Provide a brief overview of the quiz’s content and objectives.

    • Time (minutes): Set the total duration of the quiz in minutes.

    • Score: Add the points awarded for each correct and incorrect option.

    • Status: Choose 'Published' to make the quiz visible or 'Draft' to keep it hidden for now.

Step 2: Adding Section

  1. Access Section:

    • In the ‘Test 1’ section (or whatever name you have used), navigate to the 'Sections' tab next to 'Basic Edit'.

  2. Add a Section:

    • Click ‘+ Add Section’ in the ‘List of Sections’ section.

    • Title: Give your section a descriptive title like 'Section 1: English.

Last updated